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Invitation to Women’s Organisations, progressive movements, Activists, Academics, Advocates, Friends, Students, Domestic Workers organisations and Workers Unions to participate and extend solidarity on the INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC WORKERS DAY on 16th June 2023 between 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m at the Freedom Park, Bengaluru.
Karnataka Gruha Karmikara Vedike (KGKV) is a Platform of all the Unions and Organizations who are working with Domestic Workers in Karnataka. KGKV is affiliated to National Platform for Domestic Workers, New Delhi, and it is commemorating “International Domestic Workers Day” all over the country on 16th June 2023.
On 16th June 2011, the International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization adopted a Convention concerning Domestic workers, which is also referred as “Decent Work for Domestic Workers - Convention-189 which offers specific protection to domestic workers all over the world. It lays down basic rights and principles, and requires State to take a series of measures with a view to making decent work a reality for domestic workers. 12 years have passed but the Union Government of India has not yet ratified this convention.
Therefore the National Platform for Domestic Workers and its affiliated organisations from all the States have resolved to continue to fight and pressurizing the Governments in addressing and ameliorating the precarious conditions of domestic workers. Several Hundred’s of women workers and worker leaders would join in the Public Meeting at Freedom Park, and demand the Government of India ratify ILO C-189 and the State Assembly passing a resolution to this effect.
On the 16th of June 2023 the Unions, Civil Society Organisations and concerned public in Bengaluru urge the Government of Karnataka to declare, that this Day should be considered as a “Domestic Workers Day” and declare this day as a Holiday in Karnataka, in recognizing specifically womens economic contribution since the paid Domestic work is one of the supporting pillars of today’s market economy and it is inherently tied to the process of informalisation.
Domestic workers leaders from Bangalore will articulate their issues and demands. Leaders from various progressive movements, Feminist leaders, Central Trade Unions Leaders will address. We have invited The Chief Minister and several other leaders from the State Government to address the workers and receive our Memorandum and pressurize them to evolve appropriate action in ameliorating the precarious conditions of Domestic workers in Karnataka.
Kindly we invite you to come to this programme and give a message of solidarity from your respective organisations pressurizing the Union Government in order to ratify ILO Convention C-189 as well other demands.
Thanking you in Anticipation.
State Convenor, KGKV Co-Convenor,