An Expert Explains: ‘A silver lining of the lockdown will be highlighting the essential role migrants play in functioning of Indian cities’
Tariq Thachil's surveys found most migrant workers live in cramped rented rooms or sleep on the footpath, lack documents to access benefits such as rations in the city, do not have family members in the city, and have few savings to draw upon.
Written by Sushant Singh
Updated: April 2, 2020 11:10:50 pm
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What is unique about the migrant labour in urban areas of India, compared to other countries and societies?
![tariq thachil interview, migrants](
Migrant labour in Indian cities, and the
vast majority of workers currently in the news, are marked by three
traits: internal migration, informality, and circularity. First, these
migrants come from within India, unlike international migrants who often
dominate the study of migration. Second, they are low-income workers
who are informally employed, meaning they lack formal contracts. Many
migrant workers perform daily wage labor (such as beldars on
construction sites), or are self-employed (for example street vendors).
Such employment is obviously precarious and day-to-day in nature, with
no protections in the event of an abrupt cancellation, as has happened
with the lockdown. Third, most of these migrants do not permanently
relocate to the city. Expensive and inhospitable urban environments
compel them to move without their families. Instead, they circulate
between city and village several times a year, and remain deeply rooted
within sending villages. Each of these factors is important in
understanding why migrant workers have been so eager to return home
since the lockdown was announced.
This circular and informal labour is contrasted with the more
permanent and formal labor that characterized the urbanizing transition
from farm to factory in wealthier economies during the Industrial
Revolution. However, it would be wrong to say circular migration is
unique to India. Internal migrants outnumber international migrants by a
three to one ratio, and many internal migrants observe circular
migration and are informally employed. Informal circular migrants are
important populations in countries ranging from Bangladesh to
Mozambique. What makes India’s migrant crisis unique is not the nature
of its migrant workforce but the abruptness of its public policy.What is their contribution to the Indian economy? Has it been recorded and acknowledged properly and accurately?
Quite simply, no, for two reasons. First, the informal nature of employment makes it hard to collect reliable data even on the size of this population, let alone its economic contributions. That said, we can gain a sense of these contributions by considering sectors in which employment is dominated by circular migrants. More fine-grained studies have revealed circular migrants are influential, and in some cases, the predominant forms of labor in industries ranging from construction, brick manufacturing, mining and quarrying, hotels and restaurants, and street vending. Many of these sectors are integral to the Indian economy, and comprise a significant share of our national GDP.![migrant labour crisis, India lockdown, Tariq Thachil interview, migrant labour movement, indian express](
What are your estimates about the number of migrant labourers in urban India? What is their general socio-economic and educational status?
This is a simple question with a complicated answer. Unfortunately, we lack a consensus estimate of the size of our circular migrant population for a number of reasons. Many official data sources use definitions of migration that fail to capture the transient and itinerant patterns observed by circular migrants. For example, India’s landmark National Sample Survey (NSS) collected specific data on migration in its 64th round, and found the all-India rate of ‘short-term migration’ is between 1 and 2 percent. This rate would roughly suggest a population of between 13 and 26 million short-term migrants. Yet the figure is likely to be a dramatic underestimate.The NSS defines a ‘short-term’ migrant as one who stays away for up to 6 months during the last year, but many circular migrants spend most of the year working in cities, returning home for festivals, harvests, or to see family. Further, the fact that these migrants live and work in informal conditions in cities, and circulate between village and city, makes them especially difficult to access through standard residence-based surveys.
![migrant labour crisis, India lockdown, Tariq Thachil interview, migrant labour movement, indian express](
There is greater consensus on the average economic status of circular migrants. Most studies agree the vast majority of circular migrants are economically disadvantaged. My own surveys of circular migrants aligned with this consensus. I surveyed 3,018 circular migrants working as daily wage laborers and 1,200 migrants working as street vendors across Delhi and Lucknow. One important finding from this survey was that circular migrants were uniformly poor, but diverse in caste and faith. 27 per cent were from Scheduled Castes, 44 per cent from the Other Backward Classes, 18 per cent from the upper castes, and 12 per cent were Muslims. Yet the average income of migrants within each of these social groups was practically identical—and 75 per cent earned less than $2 per day. Also, 77 per cent had no secondary education, and 74 per cent had no household electric connection in their home villages. Over half of them had ongoing debts they had to pay off. Such homogeneity across caste and religious divisions sharply contrasts with rural sending communities, where economic well-being varies sharply across caste and religious groups.
Were you surprised by the mass exodus of migrant labour after the lockdown was announced by the government? Could it have been prevented?
The exodus of migrant workers is far from surprising. In this respect, I disagree with the Supreme Court’s recent observation that the exodus was caused by irrational panic triggered by misinformation. Unless they have some concrete data to back this claim that I am not privy to, the exodus is best viewed as a highly rational response. Any ‘surprise’ from observers is due to our own lack of information regarding these communities. Specifically, observers are unaware of how rooted circular migrants are in their sending villages, as well as how inhospitable the conditions are under which they must live and work in their destination cities. My own surveys found most migrant workers live in cramped rented rooms or must sleep on the footpath, lack documents to access benefits such as rations in the city, do not have family members in the city, and have few savings to draw upon. They also face considerable harassment from police and middle-class elites, who view them as unclean, nuisances, or criminal. The lockdown takes away their only reason for enduring such hardships: work in the city. Moreover, given the nature of the novel coronavirus, it would be completely plausible for migrants to be unsure about when work opportunities might actually resume in cities. Why then would they stay in harsh conditions away from their families?![migrant labour crisis, India lockdown, Tariq Thachil interview, migrant labour movement, indian express](
What is the response of the villages when these migrant labour go back? Are they welcome there usually, leave alone in a health crisis?
In my own travels with migrants back to sending villages, I found the typical reception to be warm within their families. Of course, there are always variations in experience. One migrant I grew close with complained his family treated him ‘like an ATM’ when he returned, only interested in the cash he brought home. More serious variations were underpinned by caste and class hierarchies in the village. For example, Dalit migrants I spoke to complained of harassment from upper castes in their village, especially if they returned with any sign of newfound prosperity (new clothes, or gifts for family).![migrant labour crisis, India lockdown, Tariq Thachil interview, migrant labour movement, indian express](
Why is the response of the Indian State and society so radically different to the labour which migrates abroad to the one that migrates within India?
I am sure your readers can guess the answer here. Whether in times of crisis or normalcy, states respond to citizens who are economically powerful and politically organized. The striking difference in how we treat international and internal migrants is particularly apparent if we think of wealthy international diasporas, such as Indians residing in the United States. Survey data indicates Indian-Americans have higher median household incomes than any other major ethnic group, including non-Hispanic whites. These diasporas are celebrated for their accomplishments and remittances, and feted at events such as the Howdy Modi rally held recently in Houston. The power of these groups fueled significant efforts to expand their standing and political rights, including the establishment of new categories of citizenship (such as the Overseas Citizens of India).![migrant labour crisis, India lockdown, Tariq Thachil interview, migrant labour movement, indian express](