the period of strong economic growth between 2005 and 2013 change the
structure of employment in the country? The answer from the Sixth
Economic Census is: precious little. It did not result in better, safer,
more secure or more productive jobs for the masses.
For instance, we would expect a shift away from rural to urban
India, as workers find new opportunities in towns and cities. But the
share of enterprises, or “establishments” as the census calls them, in
urban areas went up only a smidgeon, from 39% in 2005 to 40.52% in 2013.
The pace of change has been glacial. What’s worse is the share of
employment in non-agricultural establishments fell from 89.18% in 2005
to 82.57% in 2013.
The blueprint for economic development, the route out of poverty for
developing nations, is one of a steady increase in jobs outside
agriculture that not only cures disguised unemployment in farms but also
results in higher productivity. But the economic census numbers tell a
very different story. In spite of record growth rates in the economy,
the share of non-agricultural employment fell between 2005 and 2013.
That is not a healthy trend.
What about diversification away from agriculture in rural areas?
There have been many reports of manufacturing moving to rural areas. But
the economic census doesn’t share that optimism. In 2005, 19.54% of the
total rural workforce was employed in agricultural establishments and
80.46% in non-agricultural establishments. (Workers engaged in farming
are left out of the economic census, so that leaves out a large chunk of
workers in agriculture.)
In 2013, 31.01% of the total rural employment was in agricultural
establishments and the remaining 68.99% was in non-agricultural
establishments. So the proportion of workers in agricultural
establishments in rural India has increased, while the proportion
working in non-agricultural employment has declined.
What was the main work in these “agricultural establishments”? It was
taking care of livestock. It doesn’t speak much about rural
Nor has there been any change in the very small size of the average
Indian enterprise. Indeed, the share of minuscule “establishments” has
become higher. In 1990, for example, 93.41% of establishments had
between one and five workers and they accounted for 54.45% of the total
number of workers employed. Twenty-three years later, 95.5% of
establishments had between one and five workers and they accounted for
69.52% of the workers employed.
It’s well known that the small size of Indian firms is a major reason
for their abysmal levels of productivity. But employment in
establishments employing more than 10 workers has steadily declined from
37.1% in 1990 to 21.15% in 2013. The average employment in a
non-agricultural establishment with at least one hired worker fell from
6.40 in 1990 to 4.54 in 2013. The trend is towards an increase in very
small firms. That doesn’t augur well for growth in productivity.
Studies have shown that the share of micro and small enterprises in
manufacturing employment is 84% in India, versus 27.5% for Malaysia and
24.8% for China.
There’s other evidence available. In 2005, 35.41% of workers were in
what the survey calls “own account establishments” or businesses that
didn’t have a single hired worker. In 2013, that percentage had shot up
to 44.29%. It’s likely that the vast majority of people in these “own
account establishments” barely make ends meet and would grab the
opportunity to get a decent job. Many of these so-called establishments
would be street corner banana sellers. They’re part of the 18.44% of
establishments that operate without a “fixed structure”.
Another 36.19% of all establishments are home-based and only the
remaining 45.37% operate outside the home and have a fixed structure.
That isn’t all. In 2005, 5.3% of all establishments were not permanent,
but seasonal in nature. In 2013, that proportion edged higher to 5.9%.
What financing can these home-based and “no fixed structure”
establishments command? What technology can they use? What levels of
skill or management acumen can they develop? How can they ever scale up?
The best illustration of the kind of growth in employment we’re
seeing is that of all the states, Manipur—a failed state plagued by
multiple insurgencies, where government control over large parts of the
state is tenuous—holds the record in employment growth between 2005 and
2013. It’s not hard to imagine the kind of “employment” that people have
to take up in order to survive.
The fact of the matter is that, in spite of the high GDP growth
recorded during 2005-2013, the informalization of employment increased
during the period. The vast majority of workers continued to scrape out a
precarious living from dead-end jobs and the proportion of such workers
has increased. The numbers show the problem has only become worse.
A vast number of young people join the workforce every year, with
millions deserting small and increasingly unviable farms for jobs in
industry or services. This new generation, everybody tells us, is very
“aspirational”. Will they tolerate, as their parents did, being stuck in
“home-based” and “no fixed structure” employment? Will they tolerate
the increasing inequality between their bleak existence and the
high-paying jobs in the formal sector? If they don’t, the demographic
dividend is likely to become a demographic nightmare, with widespread
social unrest.
Manas Chakravarty looks at trends and issues in the financial markets. Comments are welcome at capitalaccount@livemint.com
This a continuation of the Labour Notes South Asia (LNSA) dispatches | We also hope to build a partial archive of posts from the original LNSA mailing list (2000 to 2019) (see list URL) | See archived posts 2004-2005 | [the full webarchive of the list is now unavailable as it has been permanently removed by yahoo on Dec 2019]
Friday, October 7, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
India: High economic growth has gone hand-in-hand with increasingly precarious employment (Manas Chakravarty)
livemint - April 11 2016
Photo: Pradeep Gaur/Mint
High economic growth has gone hand-in-hand with increasingly precarious employment
spite of high GDP growth recorded during 2005-2013, the vast majority
of workers continued to scrape out a precarious living from dead-end
Labour Market
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Jean Drèze: Leaving no poor person behind
The Hindu, 13 January 2016
Leaving no poor person behind
Jean Drèze
Leaving no poor person behind
Jean Drèze
The National Food Security Act is finally making headway in the poorest States. Amplified by reforms in the Public Distribution System, a modicum of nutritional support and economic security to all vulnerable households is now a real possibility.
Dhobargram is a small Santhal village in Bankura district of West
Bengal, with 100 households or so. Most of them are poor, or even very
poor, by any plausible standard. There are also some relatively well-off
households — they are not rich, but they have things like concrete
houses and motorcycles, often thanks to a permanent job in the public
sector. Should this small minority of better-off households be excluded
from the Public Distribution System (PDS)? Including them costs public
money, and they are not at risk of undernourishment. On the other hand,
weeding them out is a major headache, as West Bengal and neighbouring
states are discovering in the course of implementing the National Food
Security Act (NFSA). Also, excluding them creates a small but powerful
group of disgruntled people who may be tempted to sabotage the PDS in
one way or another. When they are included, there is greater pressure on
the system to work.
Improved framework
Jean Drèze
A house-to-house survey conducted in Dhobargram last month confirmed
something we had already noticed: West Bengal’s PDS is based on a
restrictive, outdated and faulty list of “below poverty line” (BPL)
households. Out of 105 households, only 29 had a BPL card or an
Antyodaya card (meant for the poorest of the poor). The rest had an APL
(above poverty line) card, or no card at all — both ways, they were
excluded from the PDS except possibly for kerosene rations. By contrast,
78 per cent of Dhobargram’s households are on the new list of NFSA
ration cards, which are to be distributed this month. Further, we found
that most of the remaining 22 per cent were households that met the
official exclusion criteria, such as having a government job or a pucca
house with at least three rooms. The new list, based on the Socio
Economic and Caste Census 2011 (SECC), is not only more inclusive than
the BPL list, it is also more reliable.
This is just one village (selected at random), but Dhobargram
illustrates the major gains that are possible if the NFSA is well
implemented in the poorer States. These gains are amplified by PDS
reforms, a mandatory adjunct of the Act. The PDS in West Bengal has been
one of the worst in the country for a long time. Today, it is
undergoing reforms similar to those that have been so successful in
Chhattisgarh and were also adopted with good effect by neighbouring
States such as Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. Hopefully, they will work in
West Bengal too.
None of this is to say that all is well in West Bengal, or even just in
Dhobargram. Some poor households in Dhobargram are off the list of
ration cards, possibly because the SECC missed them, or because they
were formed after 2011, or for some other reason. There are many cases
of ration cards with missing household members (this matters since PDS
entitlements are defined in per capita terms under the NFSA). Also, the
new list of ration cards includes fewer Antyodaya households than the
old list, a problem that has also emerged in other States. It will take
skilful revision of the NFSA list to resolve these problems. But at
least the NFSA has created a relatively sound framework within which
this can be done.
Winds of change
Judging from brief enquiries in Jharkhand and Odisha, which are also in
the process of rolling out the NFSA, there are similar developments
there. The biggest challenge, responsible for the delayed rollout of
NFSA in many States, is to identify eligible households. Even with
near-universal coverage (86 per cent in rural Jharkhand and 82 per cent
in rural Odisha), this is a daunting task. Jharkhand adopted much the
same approach as West Bengal: an initial list of ration cards was
prepared from SECC data (by removing better-off households), and later
revised based on people’s complaints. The main problem with this
approach is exclusion errors: there are gaps and mistakes in the SECC
data, not always corrected by the complaints process. Odisha followed a
different approach, based on self-declaration: ration card applicants
had to certify that they met the eligibility criteria, and local
functionaries were asked to verify their declarations. The main problem
here seems to be inclusion errors: well-off households often get away
with claiming that they meet the criteria. The self-declaration approach
also requires a reliable administrative machinery — I doubt that it
would have worked in Bihar or Jharkhand.
It is too early to tell which of these approaches is preferable. There
are also alternatives, such as Madhya Pradesh’s pioneering attempt to
link the PDS with a database of local residents (the Samagra register)
maintained by gram panchayat functionaries. And of course, one can take
the view that it is simply not worth taking all this trouble to exclude
10 or 20 per cent of rural households — universalisation is best, at
least in the poorer States. What is clear is that we can do much better
today than in the old days of “BPL surveys”. Among other remarkable
improvements is the transparency of the entire process. Even in
Jharkhand, the list of NFSA ration cards is available on the Net in a
reader-friendly format, with all requisite details. That makes it a lot
harder to cheat — gone are the days when the village head dished out BPL
cards to his or her friends without any risk of scrutiny.
The effects of PDS reforms have also started showing in the poorer
States. Recent surveys in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh point to remarkable
improvements in the last few years. There is no reason why the NFSA
latecomers (Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, among others) should fail to
bring about similar change. Some of them, notably Odisha, actually
initiated the process of PDS reform much before rolling out the NFSA,
with very positive results. The laggards have their work cut out.
Looking forward
The picture emerging from recent research is quite different from the
impression conveyed by media reports. The latter tend to focus on abuses
and irregularities: for instance, the story of a wealthy mayor in
Odisha who bagged a ration card, or of someone in Jharkhand who found
that 366 ration cards had “inadvertently” been printed in his name. It
is certainly part of the media’s job to highlight these anomalies, but
the larger picture tends to get lost in the process. There is an urgent
need for careful evaluations of the impact of NFSA in different States.
Looking ahead, all eyes are on Uttar Pradesh, one of the last States to
implement the NFSA. With a foodgrain allocation of 10 million tonnes or
so, and a very restrictive PDS under the old system, Uttar Pradesh has
more to gain from the NFSA than any other State. But it is also one of
India’s worst-governed States, if not the worst. Tremendous resolve will
be required to break the nexus of corrupt middlemen who have milked the
PDS in Uttar Pradesh for so many years (mainly under the APL quota,
which is all set to be phased out). As election time approaches, it may
just happen — that would be a victory of sorts, not only for food
security but also for the battle against corruption.
Finally, it is important to remember that the NFSA is not restricted to
the PDS. Other critical components include maternity entitlements,
brazenly ignored by the Central government ever since the Act came into
force. The PDS itself need not be confined to NFSA entitlements: in
several States, some households are now eligible for subsidised pulses
and edible oil as well. Perhaps for the first time, there are real
possibilities of ensuring a modicum of nutritional support and economic
security to all vulnerable households.
(Jean Dreze is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics, Ranchi University.)
National Food Security Act
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